Live Reviews 2013-2014

By: Fungalpunk
Of: 16/06/13
At: The Star & Garter, Manchester

The Senton Bombs are a band I have spouted about for many a year. They are a bunch of dudes I have dealt with, encouraged and fuckin' believed in since I first saw em' over 6 years ago. Many doubted, few shouted, we stuck at it, the word was spread, the band swapped around, the current line-up are doing everything I considered they could do (with big throbbing nobs on) and...I believe there is more to come. Lovely chaps, rockin' hard, now not interested in playing for others but happy to play for themselves and hopefully win due praise from like-minded rockers - that is the only way to do it. In this currently relaxed and sanguine style the band are sending wave after wave of utter pleasure and belief from the stage and anyone with their head screwed on right and their lugs tightly tuned in will respond big time. Tonight was an example of a band doing it the right way and after much graft eventually winning through. The songs were primarily new and show that the band aren't resting on their laurels and are so eager to keep up this progressive surge and squeeze their own sonic scrotums absolutely dry. Both guitarists went at it like rabid dogs with Damo throwing in is all and at one point jumping from the stage and mixing it with the punters who fuckin' went for it. Joey on gob and bass duties is indeed class and twangs them cables with gushing gusto and sub-sleazed passion. Sticks - what can I say - I have been gobbing off for years about this guys ability - fuckin' gargantuan man - if forced to make a comparison to a Marvel character then this is Galactus baby - feeding on the life force the tympanic arena offers. Boom, Bang, wallop. I shan't pick out any significant number because this was a resounding beating and to highlight one or two moments would be unfair on the equally impressive leftovers - you better believe this was one long classic and a prime example of what happens if you stick at it and keep on pushing.

By: Neil Mach
Of: 5/10/13
At: The Classic Grand, Glasgow

we then were treated to some punk infected Rock ‘n’ Roll from Blackpool with The Senton Bombs. Imagine the melodic energy of ‘Aerosmith’ combined with the sneering audacity of ‘The Clash’ to get an idea of this band’s output.  Check Chapter Zero.

By: Johnny Main
Of: 5/10/13
At: The Classic Grand, Glasgow

One of the last bands to play the competition were the four price Senton Bombs from Blackpool who kicked off their set with 'Nothing Quite Like This' during which guitarist Damien Kage coped admirably when his guitar strap broke when he chose to carry on with the song (balancing the guitar on his leg) instead of stopping midway through to fix it.

Vocalist Joey Class did a fine job of encouraging the crowd to sing along and managed to elicit a good response from them. 'Tornado' (from their new album 'Chapter Zero', available on STP Records) gets the audience moving a bit faster as Kage (with guitar strap now fixed) and lead guitarist Johnny Gibbons engage in a guitar duel.

The band chose 'Born With A Tail' by Supersuckers as their cover song which has drummer Scott Mason being the hardest working member of the band as he powers his way through the song.

'Jackals' wraps up their set as Gibbons throws out the power chords left, right and centre as Class head bangs to the solid rhythm before the song ends in loud crescendo with Kage almost throwing his Les Paul guitar in the air before deciding against it at the very last moment - almost the ultimate rock n' roll finish to a great weekend or rock and metal music!

By: Louella Deville
Of: 22/12/13
At: The Star & Garter, Manchester

The opening act The Senton Bombs, a four piece from Blackpool, released their album Chapter Zero earlier this year and it was given a glowing review by PlanetMosh read it here: It was already fairly busy for an afternoon gig on a bleak, cold, Sunday in Manchester. Front man, and bass player, Joey Class welcomed everyone to the STP Christmas Show before opening with Medusa, a catchy song which rather than ‘turning your ass to stone’ got fists pumping and heads banging. So began the STP Christmas gig in great style! Scott was really giving the drums some stick and we got some great riffage with Damian entertaining us and playing the guitar behind his head, I could tell it was a Gibson (black but not a Flying V). Tornado was dedicated to one guy in the audience who, and I quote Joey, ’had managed to make it here just like one’ with it’s strong bass line causing the speakers at the side of the stage to shake along to the rhythm too! Luckily they were fastened down.

For Nothing Quite Like This, a really memorable song which includes the words ’Bombs Away’ it was obvious that the band had brought some fans, as people were there with their bombs, ready to down in one!  No Rest for the Rocking, another catchy tune had members of the audience pogoing and the guys playing with their guitars pointing upwards in unison, although they did get a rest for a short time, when we got just the drum beat, before the guitars and rhythm were re-introduced. The last song was a cover of the Supersuckers Born With a Tail (which I like think was intended for me!). With Joey doing a few leg kicks then finishing off with a cry of ’Fingers in the air for punk. We Were The Senton Bombs’. That they are and as an opening Experiment they certainly were The Darkest Horse!

By: Fungalpunk
Annual Accolades: Performance Of The Year 2013
At: The Star & Garter, Manchester

PERFORMANCE OF THE YEAR - Not an easy task as I see so much worthwhile stuff out there and so many noise makers who really do the business. As per, my heart is always on the look out for an Underdog band who has made the transition from being overlooked to one who are suddenly, through their ever improving on stage talent, cannot be ignored. As I ponder my mind flits back to the 16th June at The Star and Garter when 3 bands played, the opening act a cracking band, the headliners duly effective but in between was a band that I have dealt with on numerous occasions and have supported since first seeing them way back when. Many have got clued in, many are now agreeing that this is a dandy bunch of cacophonic creators and the set on that night absolutely fuckin' ripped it. From first to last this powerhouse unit made a statement and moved and grooved with utter relish. I was absorbed, my heart was filled with pride and I couldn't help thinking 'about bloody time, the buggers are right in the zone and getting credit for it' - it was a memorable showcase - The Senton Bombs - you get my sincerest thanks and of course, continued support.

By: Dave Bradbury
Of: 18/01/14
At: The Maze, Nottingham

The Senton Bombs, one of Blackpool’s resident and rising rock bands were on the ‘Maze Stage’ at about 5:15pm and took us through to the much needed intermission at 5:50pm ( Beer and food! ).They started of their 35 min slot with ‘Tornado’, then gave first class performance’s of  ’ Experiment, Nine Of Hearts, Medusa, So Cavalier, Nothing Quite Like This, Darkest Horse, No Rest For The Rockin’.  The last song of their set was ‘Jackals’ a hard HARD rock beat that had a definite trace of punk rock feel in it and gave this track a different sort of edgy aspect. A real treat for Nottingham rock fans to hear this group play their first gig of 2014. If you liked them they will be back, but in Derby this time at The Sitwell Tavern on the 7th of March.

By: Stevi Rox
Of: 18/01/14
At: The Maze, Nottingham

So with the shots lined up ready for the 'Bombs, Bombs, Bombs away' we proceeded to be entertained to the max. We won't go into the details of the songs as you can read our opinions of the bands last 2 albums here on the TBFM website. But we will say even in the past 2 years the band have grown into one of the best live bands around and seem to be driven with a new found enthusiasm for the outstanding music that they play.

By: Fungalpunk
Of: 05/04/14
At: Cottage of Content, Chasetown

"The Senton Bombs leave me speechless with every outing. Once more a band with the fuck punk attitude and swinging their arses in an ever increasing arc with each show highlighting what damn good noise is all about. These blistering rock and roll urchins know how to slam it down yer throats and pump out their stylish semen until you become impregnated by a sincere devilish disease that will forever peck at your sonic soaked soul and force a reaction.

Throughout the set the flames rise higher and higher and culminate in a highly intoxicating roasting only a suicidal arsonist could dream of. Burn the boundaries, ignite the resistance and watch it char - these brutes are creating a conflagration to consume all in their path. This is the real fantastic four - flame fuckin' on. Best song - there isn't one - they all tear it up and blaze it to glory."

By: Henrik Øster-Jørgensen
Of: 25/04/14
At: Rockstjernen,Herning, Denmark

KLUMME: Rockstjernen havde fredag den mest spændende koncert længe
Engelske rockbands er bare dygtige    

Til oktober har Rockstjernen - spillested og øvelokaler - fem års fødselsdag.
Men ja, tingene har det jo med at gå stærkt i Herning. Allerede sidste sommer rundede ungdomshuset Kontrast de første fem år, og med denne milepæl har stedet bevist sin levedygtighed, skulle man mene.
Mens Kontrast i stor stil kører videre, som dengang det åbnede, så er der på Rockstjernen skruet voldsomt ned for ambitionerne.I starten satsede de på mellem 100 og 120 arrangementer om året - altså et par stykker om ugen - men i dag er der noget længere mellem snapsene. Og når der endelig sker noget, så er det meget ofte, at der nærmest ingen mennesker kommer.
Men sådan går det jo ofte, når der er en masse frivilligt arbejde involveret. I starten går det over stok og sten og alle vil hjælpe, men efterhånden siver kræfterne ligesom ud.Det kunne dermed godt se ud til, at Rockstjernen trænger til en make over, hvis den skal klare sig.
Fredag aften var der på Rockstjernen den mest spændende koncert meget længe. Endda en tredobbelt en af slagsen: Lokale Kjurious, der bare bliver bedre og bedre, havde inviteret to andre bands, de lidt kedelige X Contract fra Aarhus og The Senton Bombs fra Blackpool i England til »at vælte Rockstjernen«.Det er så sjældent, at vi får lov til at se et engelsk rockband i Herning, så jeg blev selvfølgelig nysgerrig.
Det viste sig med det samme, at The Senton Bombs bare er langt dygtigere end et almindeligt dansk rockband. De er hurtigere, de er hårdere, de er mere tight, og de er vant til at sælge varen. De har ganske enkelt øvet og spillet mere og satset hele butikken på musikken. Det er deres levebrød at tage rundt fra pub til pub og spille hver aften, og det bliver man dygtig af, for pubberne gider ikke hyre et fesent band, der står og spiller pænt ovre i hjørnet.
Vi så i øvrigt samme tendens, da The Cubical fra Liverpool spillede op til noget af en fest på Fermaten i efteråret.De godt halvt hundrede publikummer, der var mødt frem til koncerten, kunne også fornemme, at The Senton Bombs kunne deres ting. Frem for at stå bagerst i salen og snakke, som de hidtil havde gjort, rykkede de helt op foran og hoppede med.
Og The Senton Bombs var ikke pivede.
På flyveren herover var det lykkedes flyselskabet at kaste så meget rundt med forsanger og bassist Joey Class’ bas, at det øverste stykke træ, hvor man normalt »hviler« håndleddet, var slået af (»hviler« i anførselstegn, fordi Joey Class ikke hviler armen ret meget, når han spiller). Dermed ville Joey Class komme til at stå med blodårene på højre håndled mod det skarpe stykke træ, så han havde bundet en lille klud rundt om håndleddet for ikke at rive huden op. Det ville han hellere end at låne en fremmed bas.Men man stod alligevel og frygtede for, at blodet pludselig ville begynde at sprøjte, for der blev gået til den på scenen, hvor den hårde rock ind imellem slog over i hurtig punk.
Det skete heldigvis ikke, og The Senton Bombs havde sig en fest på scenen.
Det var deres første tur udenlands nogensinde, og det var tydeligt, at det var ret spændende for dem. De var beærede over, at folk gad at høre på dem så langt hjemmefra.The Senton Bombs må gerne komme på besøg igen, og nogen burde lave en lille tur for dem i Danmark, så de kan få rejsen betalt.

From: Cat On The Wall
By: Jordan Mooney
Of: 21/12/14
At: Star & Garter, Manchester

Next up came The Senton Bombs - possibly one of the funniest bands we’ve had grace a stage before us. Perhaps the most traditionally ‘rock n roll’ of the line up, their shade-adorned bassist and vocalist, Joey Class (brilliant name, too!) makes a fantastic tribute to the old days of rock hard nuts. Think Vince Neil before he forgot how to sing.

The humour of the group was a lot of communication between band members. There’s a great chemistry in the group, and it genuinely seems like they’re born to perform with eachother.

Their music is far too catchy. It’s truly like those days when rock and roll’s biggest acts were just appearing on the circuit, fresh faced, capable and not starring in McDonalds commercials or whatever the likes of Axl Rose is up to these days. They get a real vibe on the stage, a genuine, physical presence that remains on the upbeat attitude rock used to represent on the mass market before being ousted by scene kids and metrosexual twats crooning about an ex that never existed.

This was a really, really fun group. Not particularly edgy or aiming for an intelligent study in the human condition by a longshot, but a sorely required reminder for what ‘rock’ music really is – a hell of a lot of fun that smells a bit like tequila.

This is a group that seriously demands a recommendation. You’ll leave the Senton Bombs exhausted, covered in the sloshed beer of a dancing audience and a big cheesy grin.